Alexandra Name Meaning, Origin, Popularity and Nicknames

Alexandra Name Meaning

Are you looking for Alexandra’s name meanings? Discover the meaning of the name Alexandra and its origin, similar names, nicknames, variations, numerology numbers, popularity trends, and famous people with the name.

What Does Alexandra Mean?

The name Alexandra is a timeless moniker that exudes elegance and strength. Of Greek origin, it means “defender of the people.” Alexandra carries a regal and powerful aura, making it a name associated with resilience and grace.

What Is the Origin of the Name Alexandra?

With roots in ancient Greece, Alexandra is the feminine form of Alexander, derived from the Greek name “Alexandros,” meaning “defender of the people.” It has a rich history, borne by queens, princesses, and historical figures, contributing to its enduring popularity.

How Popular Is the Name Alexandra?

Alexandra has maintained a consistent popularity across various cultures and time periods. It is a name appreciated for its classic charm and versatility, remaining a perennial favorite for parents worldwide.

How Do I Pronounce Alexandra?

Alexandra is pronounced as “ah-lek-SAN-dra,” with the emphasis on the second syllable. The name rolls off the tongue with a melodic and rhythmic quality, adding to its overall timeless appeal.

Is Alexandra a Boy or Girl Name?

Alexandra is exclusively used as a girl’s name. Its feminine sound and historical significance make it a popular choice for parents seeking a name that combines strength with elegance.

Variations of Alexandra

  1. Alexandrina: A variation that adds a touch of royal flair.
  2. Alessandra: An Italian variant, offering an international twist.
  3. Sasha: A Russian diminutive, providing a cute and affectionate option.
  4. Alix: A streamlined and modern variant.
  5. Alejandra: The Spanish variation of Alexandra.
  6. Xandra: A unique and stylish variant.
  7. Alexia: A name with Greek origins, meaning “defender.”
  8. Alandra: A modern twist with a distinct sound.
  9. Lexie: A playful and trendy diminutive.
  10. Andra: A concise variation, offering a name with a fresh appeal.

Nicknames for Alexandra

  1. Alex: A classic and straightforward diminutive for Alexandra.
  2. Lexi: A trendy and cute option, perfect for a more modern feel.
  3. Allie: A friendly and affectionate nickname, offering a warm touch.
  4. Sandra: A vintage and sophisticated option, harkening to earlier times.
  5. Lexa: A stylish and modern diminutive, adding a contemporary flair.
  6. Xandra: A unique and edgy nickname, perfect for those who love a distinct sound.
  7. Andie: A playful and gender-neutral option, providing a touch of whimsy.
  8. Ally: A sweet and enduring nickname, symbolizing closeness.
  9. Aria: A melodic and graceful diminutive, offering a name with a musical quality.
  10. Zan: A short and cool nickname, adding an element of uniqueness.

Similar Names to Alexandra

  1. Isabella: A name of Spanish origin, meaning “devoted to God.”
  2. Victoria: A name with Latin roots, meaning “victory.”
  3. Catherine: A name with Greek origins, meaning “pure” or “unsullied.”
  4. Eleanor: A name with Greek roots, meaning “bright” or “shining light.”
  5. Juliana: A name of Latin origin, meaning “youthful” or “downy.”
  6. Anastasia: A name with Greek roots, meaning “resurrection” or “rebirth.”
  7. Charlotte: A name of French origin, meaning “free man” or “petite.”
  8. Sophia: A name with Greek origins, meaning “wisdom” or “skill.”
  9. Gabriella: A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God is my strength.”
  10. Serena: A name with Latin roots, meaning “serene” or “calm.”

Middle Names for Alexandra

  1. Alexandra Grace: A combination that adds a touch of timeless elegance.
  2. Rose Alexandra: A melodious and charming combination, creating a name with a whimsical touch.
  3. Alexandra Marie: A classic and enduring pairing, offering a name with a regal quality.
  4. Emma Alexandra: Merging Alexandra with the popular and timeless Emma.
  5. Eleanor Alexandra: A combination that resonates with grace and sophistication.
  6. Sophia Alexandra: A pairing that blends Alexandra with the stylish and sophisticated Sophia.
  7. Olivia Alexandra: Merging Alexandra with the modern and stylish Olivia.
  8. Lily Alexandra: A combination that adds a touch of natural beauty to the name.
  9. Ava Alexandra: Merging Alexandra with the fashionable and timeless Ava.
  10. Emily Alexandra: A classic and timeless combination, offering a name with both grace and charm.

Sibling Names for Alexandra

  1. Nicholas: A brother name with a classic and enduring appeal.
  2. Charlotte: A sister name that shares a similar timeless charm.
  3. Sebastian: A brother name offering a touch of sophistication and charm.
  4. Victoria: A sister name with a regal and elegant quality.
  5. Benjamin: A brother name with a strong and traditional appeal.
  6. Isabella: A sister name that resonates with grace and sophistication.
  7. Christopher: A brother name with a classic and timeless sound.
  8. Eleanor: A sister name that adds a touch of vintage charm to the combination.
  9. William: A brother name with a strong and enduring quality.
  10. Amelia: A sister name that pairs well with Alexandra’s timeless elegance.

Famous People Named Alexandra

  1. Queen Alexandra: A historical figure, Queen Consort of the United Kingdom and wife of King Edward VII.
  2. Alexandra Daddario: An American actress, known for her roles in films and television.
  3. Alexandra Feodorovna: Empress of Russia and wife of Nicholas II, the last Emperor of Russia.
  4. Alexandra Burke: A British singer and winner of the fifth series of The X Factor.
  5. Princess Alexandra of Kent: A member of the British royal family and granddaughter of King George V.
  6. Alexandra Paul: An American actress, best known for her role in the television series “Baywatch.”
  7. Alexandra Shipp: An American actress, recognized for her performances in films and television.
  8. Alexandra Roach: A Welsh actress, known for her roles in various films and television series.
  9. Princess Alexandra of Luxembourg: A member of the Luxembourgish royal family.
  10. Alexandra Krosney: An American actress, known for her roles in television series.

Alexandra in Popular Culture

The name Alexandra has left its mark in popular culture through various references in literature, film, and music. From royal figures to fictional characters, Alexandra’s name is synonymous with grace, strength, and a timeless appeal.


1. What is the meaning of the name Alexandra?

Alexandra means “defender of the people,” reflecting strength and resilience.

2. What is the origin of the name Alexandra?

The name Alexandra has Greek origins, derived from “Alexandros,” meaning “defender of the people.”

3. How popular is the name Alexandra?

Alexandra has maintained popularity across cultures and time periods, appreciated for its classic charm.

4. How do you pronounce Alexandra?

Alexandra is pronounced as “ah-lek-SAN-dra,” with emphasis on the second syllable.

5. Is Alexandra a unisex name?

Alexandra is exclusively used as a girl’s name, celebrated for its feminine strength and elegance.


Alexandra, with its regal and timeless charm, remains a name of enduring popularity. Its Greek origins, meaning “defender of the people,” evoke strength and grace. The name’s versatility is evident in its variations, nicknames, and sibling name pairings, allowing it to seamlessly fit various preferences. Whether combined with classic middle names or paired with trendy sibling names, Alexandra stands as a name that transcends trends. Its presence in popular culture further cements its legacy, making Alexandra a name that embodies both strength and sophistication. Choosing Alexandra for a child’s name is an acknowledgment of tradition, resilience, and a timeless sense of beauty.