100 Synonyms & Antonyms of Give

Synonyms Of Give

Synonyms and Antonyms Words: A Comprehensive Guide

What are Synonyms?

Synonyms are words that have similar or identical meanings. They are a useful tool in writing and speaking because they allow you to avoid repetition and add variety to your language. For example, instead of using the word “happy” repeatedly, you can use its synonyms such as “joyful,” “content,” “pleased,” and “delighted.”

Here are some more examples of synonyms:

  • Good: Great, Excellent, Superb, Outstanding, Wonderful
  • Big: Large, Huge, Massive, Enormous, Immense
  • Cold: Chilly, Frigid, Freezing, Icy, Frosty

Using synonyms can not only make your writing or speech more interesting, but it can also help you avoid sounding monotonous or repetitive.

What are Antonyms?

Antonyms, on the other hand, are words that have opposite meanings. They are useful when you want to express a contrasting idea or emphasize a difference. For example, if you want to describe someone who is not only happy but also sad, you can say they are “happy” and “miserable” at the same time.

Here are some more examples of antonyms:

  • Hot: Cold, Cool, Icy, Chilly, Frigid
  • Good: Bad, Poor, Inferior, Substandard, Defective
  • Light: Heavy, Dark, Dull, Gloomy, Murky

Using antonyms can help you emphasize a contrast, create a more nuanced meaning, and add depth to your writing or speech.

Synonyms of  Give in English

List of 100 Synonyms of Give Words in English

  1. Donate
  2. Contribute
  3. Provide
  4. Grant
  5. Offer
  6. Supply
  7. Bestow
  8. Gift
  9. Present
  10. Hand over
  11. Deliver
  12. Entrust
  13. Yield
  14. Surrender
  15. Furnish
  16. Dispense
  17. Extend
  18. Give away
  19. Allocate
  20. Allot
  21. Assign
  22. Apportion
  23. Dedicate
  24. Devote
  25. Endow
  26. Impart
  27. Convey
  28. Transmit
  29. Pass
  30. Offer up
  31. Sacrifice
  32. Provide with
  33. Share
  34. Divulge
  35. Express
  36. Show
  37. Display
  38. Demonstrate
  39. Indicate
  40. Reveal
  41. Disclose
  42. Make known
  43. Unveil
  44. Publish
  45. Admit
  46. Allow
  47. Permit
  48. Consent
  49. Sanction
  50. Empower
  51. Authorize
  52. License
  53. Approve
  54. Ratify
  55. Validate
  56. Confirm
  57. Acknowledge
  58. Recognize
  59. Encourage
  60. Inspire
  61. Motivate
  62. Stimulate
  63. Drive
  64. Prompt
  65. Prod
  66. Spur
  67. Incite
  68. Incentivize
  69. Persuade
  70. Coax
  71. Urge
  72. Press
  73. Advocate
  74. Campaign
  75. Lobby
  76. Promote
  77. Boost
  78. Advance
  79. Expedite
  80. Facilitate
  81. Enable
  82. Empower
  83. Strengthen
  84. Enhance
  85. Improve
  86. Bolster
  87. Fortify
  88. Nourish
  89. Nurture
  90. Sustain
  91. Maintain
  92. Preserve
  93. Protect
  94. Shield
  95. Defend
  96. Guard
  97. Secure
  98. Assure
  99. Promise
  100. Commit

Antonyms of  Give in English

List of 100 Antonyms of Give words in English

  1. Take
  2. Keep
  3. Withhold
  4. Retain
  5. Refuse
  6. Deny
  7. Disallow
  8. Disapprove
  9. Dissuade
  10. Discourage
  11. Prohibit
  12. Forbid
  13. Prevent
  14. Stop
  15. Halt
  16. Block
  17. Bar
  18. Reject
  19. Repudiate
  20. Oppose
  21. Counter
  22. Combat
  23. Resist
  24. Contest
  25. Challenge
  26. Defend against
  27. Fight
  28. Seize
  29. Confiscate
  30. Commandeer
  31. Acquire
  32. Procure
  33. Buy
  34. Purchase
  35. Rent
  36. Borrow
  37. Steal
  38. Rob
  39. Cheat
  40. Deceive
  41. Misappropriate
  42. Misuse
  43. Abuse
  44. Exploit
  45. Take advantage of
  46. Manipulate
  47. Control
  48. Dominate
  49. Subjugate
  50. Conquer
  51. Vanquish
  52. Overpower
  53. Crush
  54. Overwhelm
  55. Suppress
  56. Repress
  57. Smother
  58. Suffocate
  59. Strangle
  60. Choke
  61. Gag
  62. Mute
  63. Stifle
  64. Squelch
  65. Silence
  66. Abstain
  67. Refrain
  68. Avoid
  69. Evade
  70. Escape
  71. Elude
  72. Shun
  73. Sidestep
  74. Circumvent
  75. Bypass
  76. Skirt
  77. Ignore
  78. Neglect
  79. Overlook
  80. Forget
  81. Dismiss
  82. Undervalue
  83. Underestimate
  84. Minimize
  85. Diminish
  86. Decrease
  87. Reduce
  88. Cut
  89. Lower
  90. Shrink
  91. Curtail
  92. Lessen
  93. Weaken
  94. Deteriorate
  95. Worsen
  96. Damage
  97. Harm
  98. Injure
  99. Hurt
  100. Sabotage.


In conclusion, synonyms and antonyms are a crucial part of our language and communication. They allow us to express ourselves more effectively, avoid repetition, and create more nuance.