250 Top Indonesian Baby Names with Meanings

Indonesian Baby Names with Meanings

Indonesian Baby Girl and Boy Names

Looking for Indonesian baby names? Find the latest and most popular Indonesian baby names for your newborn from a list of Indonesian baby boy and girl names ideas.

Check out a full alphabetical list of popular Indonesian baby names for your baby or girl. Learn about all kinds of different Indonesian baby names with the help of FinderWheel’s Baby names generator tool and choose the perfect one for your little ones.

Popular Indonesian Baby Names for Boys

Here are some of the top and unique Indonesian baby boy names with their meanings.

  1. Dimas
  2. Marvel
  3. Dicky
  4. Farrel
  5. Andi
  6. Andrian
  7. Audy
  8. Irvan
  9. Jefry
  10. Erlin
  11. Muhamad
  12. Firman
  13. Aurel
  14. Deny
  15. Doni
  16. Raden
  17. Ananda
  18. Dandy
  19. Mega
  20. Ferry
  21. Anjay
  22. Edo
  23. Juriah
  24. Aydric
  25. Yuda
  26. Tyas
  27. Adhitya
  28. Ferdy
  29. Nando
  30. Krisna
  31. Wildan
  32. Keyren
  33. Novan
  34. Rizal
  35. Eko
  36. Novi
  37. Nanda

Popular Indonesian Baby Names for Girls

Here are some of the top and cute Indonesian baby girl names with their meanings.

  1. Tiara
  2. Sandi
  3. Adella
  4. Adelia
  5. Vina
  6. Marvel
  7. Andi
  8. Alda
  9. Sari
  10. Clarisa
  11. Nadya
  12. Candra
  13. Lala
  14. Ananda
  15. Ardelia
  16. Jesika
  17. Vira
  18. Leni
  19. Sherina
  20. Felita
  21. Doni
  22. Annisa
  23. Arista
  24. Juanda
  25. Gita
  26. Windi
  27. Sheilla
  28. Rifky
  29. Fransisca
  30. Virda
  31. Tika
  32. Novia
  33. Fina
  34. Deby
  35. Velicia
  36. Tria
  37. Ica
  38. Kanaya
  39. Elsye
  40. Tanara
  41. Kalandra
  42. Safira
  43. Winda
  44. Azizah
  45. Mareta
  46. Rendi
  47. Mega
  48. Crescent
  49. Starlit
  50. Maudy
  51. Andrian
  52. Krisna
  53. Rindi
  54. Tarisa
  55. Novi
  56. Keyleen
  57. Indonesia
  58. Nidya
  59. Elyshia
  60. Meilany
  61. Nanda
  62. Kirana
  63. Mita
  64. Tasya
  65. Callysta
  66. Velissa
  67. Astri
  68. Aurel
  69. Maretha
  70. Dyandra
  71. Ervina
  72. Nelah
  73. Irna
  74. Delvia
  75. Dita
  76. Tanah
  77. Anggie
  78. Sheren
  79. Sella
  80. Lusiana
  81. Senja
  82. Dilla
  83. Latiah
  84. Kartika
  85. Revina
  86. Dedi
  87. Marliana
  88. Ferry
  89. Agnia
  90. Devara
  91. Yessy
  92. Keyren
  93. Adji
  94. Dewa
  95. Cahya
  96. Aprilia
  97. Dhea
  98. Dewi

We hope you have found the perfect Indonesian baby boy or girl name from our compilation of unique and trending Indonesian baby name tools.

Most Common Indonesian Surnames or Last Names with Meanings

Here is the list of cool, unique, and most common Indonesian surnames, last names or family names with meanings.

  1. Pack
  2. Ferry
  3. Rinaldi
  4. Dimas
  5. Marvel
  6. Lack
  7. Galang
  8. Tack
  9. Dandy
  10. Lala
  11. Firman
  12. Arista
  13. Nanda
  14. Widjaja
  15. Sari
  16. Gunawan
  17. Siska
  18. Farrel
  19. Vina
  20. Oki
  21. Ulin
  22. Fina
  23. Sella
  24. Wijaya
  25. Raden
  26. Sandi
  27. Santoso
  28. Irvan
  29. Mita
  30. Ramadani
  31. Setiawan
  32. Sekar
  33. Rizal
  34. Lutfi
  35. Aldi
  36. Tria
  37. Susanto
  38. Dilla
  39. Stevanus
  40. Mega
  41. Dito
  42. Vira
  43. Yos
  44. Baim
  45. Liong
  46. Kurniawan
  47. Sheren
  48. Novia
  49. Batara
  50. Muhamad
  51. Riska
  52. Made
  53. Desy
  54. Bening
  55. Budiman
  56. Hartono
  57. Hendra
  58. Audy
  59. Wibowo
  60. Putra
  61. Dinda
  62. Erni
  63. Sutanto
  64. Citta
  65. Bulan
  66. Mitha
  67. Sisca
  68. Fach
  69. Ocha
  70. Aldy
  71. Edo
  72. Siregar
  73. Novi
  74. Chaca
  75. Dicky
  76. Andara
  77. Ika
  78. Agus
  79. Salsa
  80. Ananda
  81. Mutia
  82. Alda
  83. Lubis
  84. Dika
  85. Arifin
  86. Darmawan
  87. Andrian
  88. Farel
  89. Gede
  90. Tyas
  91. Simanjuntak
  92. Mulia
  93. Hartanto
  94. Diah
  95. Yansen
  96. Saputra
  97. Eko
  98. Rista
  99. Desty
  100. Andi

Indonesian Baby Names List by Letter A to Z

Find the list of Indonesian baby names beginning with A that you’re interested in and, follow the below links for further information. We’ll go through all of our favourite name directories in alphabetical order.

Check out this alphabetical list of popular Indonesian baby boy names and baby girl names and choose the perfect one for your little ones.

Indonesian Baby Names That Start with A Indonesian Baby Names That Start With N
Indonesian Baby Names That Start With B Indonesian Baby Names That Start With O
Indonesian Baby Names That Start With C Indonesian Baby Names That Start With P
Indonesian Baby Names That Start With D Indonesian Baby Names That Start With Q
Indonesian Baby Names That Start With E Indonesian Baby Names That Start With R
Indonesian Baby Names That Start With F Indonesian Baby Names That Start With S
Indonesian Baby Names That Start With G Indonesian Baby Names That Start With T
Indonesian Baby Names That Start With H Indonesian Baby Names That Start With U
Indonesian Baby Names That Start With I Indonesian Baby Names That Start With V
Indonesian Baby Names That Start With J Indonesian Baby Names That Start With W
Indonesian Baby Names That Start With K Indonesian Baby Names That Start With X
Indonesian Baby Names That Start With L Indonesian Baby Names That Start With Y
Indonesian Baby Names That Start With M Indonesian Baby Names That Start With Z

Baby Names by Country of Origin

Are you looking for baby names by Origin? find the best and most unique boy or girl names by Origin along with their meanings. Get great ideas for baby names from around the world.

List of Most Popular Names, Nicknames & Surnames

If you’re on the hunt for Nicknames, Surnames, and baby names for boys and girls. Find the latest, most popular, unique & cute nicknames and names for Baby Boys, Girls, Boyfriends, Girlfriends, Husband, and Wife from a list of 100000+ nicknames and baby names ideas at FinderWheel.com

If you have any suggestions or other nicknames you would like to call your baby boy, let us know in the comments below.