1000+ Most Common Latvian Last Names & Surnames

Most Common Latvian Surnames

Last Updated on March 11, 2023 by Team FinderWheel

Are you looking for the most common and rare Latvian Surname? Find here are the list of cool, unique, and most popular Latvian family names with meanings. 

Top 10 Most Popular Last Names in Latvia

Here is the list of the top 10 last names for baby boys, girls, and families in Latvia.

  1. Berzina
  2. Ozola
  3. Ivanova
  4. Kalnina
  5. Ozolina
  6. Berzins
  7. Ozols
  8. Jansone
  9. Kalnins
  10. Ivanovs

List of Common Latvian Last Names with Meaning

Find here a list of the most common and famous Latvian surnames for baby boys, girls, and families. Go ahead and pick one that you think will work best last name for you.

Browse Latvian Surnames by Alphabets/Letters

Check out this alphabetical list of popular Latvian last names for baby boys and baby girls and choose the perfect one.

  1. Berzina
  2. Ozola
  3. Ivanova
  4. Kalnina
  5. Ozolina
  6. Berzins
  7. Ozols
  8. Jansone
  9. Kalnins
  10. Ivanovs
  11. Ozolins
  12. Liepina
  13. Eglite
  14. Arpa
  15. Balode
  16. Krumina
  17. Andersone
  18. Vasiljeva
  19. Dreimanis
  20. Jansons
  21. Rudzite
  22. Petrova
  23. Vasiljevs
  24. Liepins
  25. Zarina
  26. Krumins
  27. Vanaga
  28. Smirnova
  29. Smirnovs
  30. Petersons
  31. Vitola
  32. Balodis
  33. Petersone
  34. Smite
  35. Karklins
  36. Karklina
  37. Fjodorova
  38. Petrovs
  39. Liepa
  40. Klavina
  41. Mihailova
  42. Bogdanova
  43. Grinberga
  44. Grigorjeva
  45. Silina
  46. Priede
  47. Krastina
  48. Vanags
  49. Zarins
  50. Briede
  51. Freimane
  52. Zvirbulis
  53. Eglitis
  54. Kuznecova
  55. Semjonova
  56. Kudo
  57. Abolina
  58. Kravale
  59. Vitols
  60. Mihailovs
  61. Cirule
  62. Aleksejeva
  63. Grinbergs
  64. Lace
  65. Pavlova
  66. Silins
  67. Fjodorovs
  68. Grigorjevs
  69. Stepanova
  70. Andrejeva
  71. Jakovleva
  72. Bergs
  73. Gulbe
  74. Riekstina
  75. Dzene
  76. Strode
  77. Jevstignejevs
  78. Lapina
  79. Auzina
  80. Andersons
  81. Jekabsone
  82. Lacis
  83. Bogdanovs
  84. Mikelsone
  85. Popovica
  86. Kuznecovs
  87. Klavins
  88. Upeniece
  89. Jegorova
  90. Sokolova
  91. Freimanis
  92. Caune
  93. Krastins
  94. Abolins
  95. Paegle
  96. Abele
  97. Li
  98. Baumane
  99. Strods
  100. Nikolajeva
  101. Sproge
  102. Valtere
  103. Volkova
  104. Kozlova
  105. Everte
  106. Lapins
  107. Roze
  108. Semjonovs
  109. Aleksejevs
  110. Strazdina
  111. Miezis
  112. Saulite
  113. Viksna
  114. Kuzmina
  115. Locmele
  116. Novikova
  117. Medne
  118. Purina
  119. Romanova
  120. Linde
  121. Solovjova
  122. Priedite
  123. Leimane
  124. Ronis
  125. Stepanovs
  126. Jakovlevs
  127. Feldmane
  128. Nikitins
  129. Bite
  130. Laizane
  131. Litvinovs
  132. Savicka
  133. Udre
  134. Kozlovska
  135. Briedis
  136. Lebedeva
  137. Luse
  138. Morozova
  139. Nikitina
  140. Andrejevs
  141. Kozlovs
  142. Millere
  143. Timofejeva
  144. Karole
  145. Rudzitis
  146. Zvaigzne
  147. Pavlovs
  148. Rubene
  149. Ziemele
  150. Auzins
  151. Orlova
  152. Punte
  153. Dzenis
  154. Gulbis
  155. Rozenberga
  156. Cirulis
  157. Apsite
  158. Skuja
  159. Mikelsons
  160. Jekabsons
  161. Popova
  162. Vaivods
  163. Dreimane
  164. Bule
  165. Broka
  166. Dmitrijeva
  167. Strazdins
  168. Smits
  169. Locmelis
  170. Berga
  171. Cvetkova
  172. Gailite
  173. Sokolovs
  174. Zaiceva
  175. Zvirbule
  176. Zalite
  177. Antonova
  178. Putnina
  179. Gavrilova
  180. Murniece
  181. Bruvere
  182. Logina
  183. Pole
  184. Nagle
  185. Gaile
  186. Klava
  187. Graudina
  188. Skudra
  189. Buls
  190. Jegorovs
  191. Morozovs
  192. Nikolajevs
  193. Ivanovska
  194. Sergejeva
  195. Kokina
  196. Matvejeva
  197. Sprogis
  198. Kuzmins
  199. Gailis
  200. Skrastins
  201. Apine
  202. Meldere
  203. Krauze
  204. Romanovska
  205. Zake
  206. Kokins
  207. Novikovs
  208. Egle
  209. Lazdina
  210. Rozentale
  211. Straume
  212. Steinbergs
  213. Jefimova
  214. Martinsone
  215. Vevere
  216. Feldmanis
  217. Lasmane
  218. Davis
  219. Baumanis
  220. Riekstins
  221. Rutkovskis
  222. Upenieks
  223. Jankovska
  224. Zile
  225. Ziemelis
  226. Pastare
  227. Puke
  228. Kovalova
  229. Kruze
  230. Baranova
  231. Vinogradova
  232. Makarova
  233. Gutmane
  234. Logins
  235. Dmitrijevs
  236. Romanovs
  237. Vilcane
  238. Solovjovs
  239. Jakobsone
  240. Kozlovskis
  241. Vaivode
  242. Savickis
  243. Baranovskis
  244. Muceniece
  245. Golubeva
  246. Lebedevs
  247. Volkovs
  248. Jaunzeme
  249. Jermacane
  250. Putnins
  251. Muizniece
  252. Smilga
  253. Bergmane

Last Names in Latvia Starting with A-Z Letters

We hope you found the most popular last names you are interested in and, follow the links for further information. We’ll go through all of our most popular surnames in alphabetical order.

Latvian Last Names Starting with A Latvian Last Names Starting with N
Latvian Last Names Starting with B Latvian Last Names Starting with O
Latvian Last Names Starting with C Latvian Last Names Starting with P
Latvian Last Names Starting with D Latvian Last Names Starting with Q
Latvian Last Names Starting with E Latvian Last Names Starting with R
Latvian Last Names Starting with F Latvian Last Names Starting with S
Latvian Last Names Starting with G Latvian Last Names Starting with T
Latvian Last Names Starting with H Latvian Last Names Starting with U
Latvian Last Names Starting with I Latvian Last Names Starting with V
Latvian Last Names Starting with K Latvian Last Names Starting with W
Latvian Last Names Starting with K Latvian Last Names Starting with X
Latvian Last Names Starting with L Latvian Last Names Starting with Y
Latvian Last Names Starting with M Latvian Last Names Starting with Z

Most Common Last Names by Country of Origin

Here we have listed thousands of surnames from around the world. You’re bound to find the origin of your last name here!

Top & Most Popular Names & Nicknames

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If you have any suggestions or other nicknames you would like to call your baby boy, let us know in the comments below.