300 Top German Baby Names with Meanings

German Baby Names with Meanings

German Baby Girl and Boy Names

Looking for German baby names? Find the latest and most popular German baby names for your newborn from a list of German baby boy and girl names ideas.

Check out a full alphabetical list of popular German baby names for your baby or girl. Learn about all kinds of different German baby names with the help of FinderWheel’s Baby names generator tool and choose the perfect one for your little ones.

Popular German Baby Names for Boys

Here are some of the top and unique German baby boy names with their meanings.

    1. Richard
    2. Frank
    3. Walter
    4. Carl
    5. Albert
    6. Gerald
    7. Leonard
    8. Derek
    9. Herbert
    10. Herman
    11. Cecil
    12. Karl
    13. Kurt
    14. Willard
    15. Rudolph
    16. Bennie
    17. August
    18. Delbert
    19. Wilbert
    20. Conrad
    21. Lukas
    22. Otto
    23. Hugo
    24. Merle
    25. Stephan
    26. Emerson
    27. Barrett
    28. Rodger
    29. Erwin
    30. Norbert
    31. Stefan
    32. Adolph
    33. Emery
    34. Kurtis
    35. Rusty
    36. Bruno
    37. Maximilian
    38. Hans
    39. Markus
    40. Erich
    41. Alphonse
    42. Brant
    43. Josef
    44. Ferdinand
    45. Rodrick
    46. Kole
    47. Odis
    48. Warner
    49. Miller
    50. Fritz
    51. Brandt
    52. Waldo
    53. Maximillian
    54. Rupert
    55. Gustave
    56. Derik
    57. Meyer
    58. Johann
    59. Markell
    60. Loy
    61. Adolphus
    62. Oswald
    63. Emmit
    64. Ansel
    65. Willy
    66. Randel
    67. Konrad
    68. Florian
    69. Leopold
    70. Linden
    71. Wilder
    72. Werner
    73. Nicklaus
    74. Otho
    75. Chip
    76. Godfrey
    77. Keller
    78. Karsten
    79. Garold
    80. Hansel
    81. Gerold
    82. Rudolf
    83. Armin
    84. Sigmund
    85. Franz
    86. Baker
    87. Ludwig
    88. Alaric
    89. Verl
    90. Alois
    91. Kiel
    92. Wolfgang
    93. Gerhard
    94. Walt
    95. Ernst
    96. Adelbert
    97. Ricki
    98. Adler
    99. Kaiser
    100. Ewell

Popular German Baby Names for Girls

Here are some of the top and cute German baby girl names with their meanings.

  1. Emma
  2. Geraldine
  3. Bertha
  4. Gertrude
  5. Heidi
  6. Lena
  7. Katrina
  8. Hilda
  9. Irma
  10. Robyn
  11. Gretchen
  12. Johanna
  13. Maude
  14. Adelaide
  15. Greta
  16. Trudy
  17. Emery
  18. Frieda
  19. Emerson
  20. Merle
  21. Zelda
  22. Lorelei
  23. Mitzi
  24. Wilda
  25. Annalise
  26. Luisa
  27. Wilhelmina
  28. Vada
  29. Karlie
  30. Karly
  31. Vonda
  32. Bennie
  33. Erna
  34. Griselda
  35. Brigitte
  36. Cecil
  37. Velda
  38. Mathilda
  39. Alyse
  40. Berta
  41. Addilyn
  42. Bettina
  43. Meta
  44. Sommer
  45. Annelise
  46. Heidy
  47. Hulda
  48. Adelle
  49. Anneliese
  50. August
  51. Annaliese
  52. Ricki
  53. Karlene
  54. Analise
  55. Gisela
  56. Ema
  57. Gretta
  58. Karolina
  59. Lenna
  60. Loyce
  61. Kierstin
  62. Trudi
  63. Magdalen
  64. Lilli
  65. Hedwig
  66. Emme
  67. Minna
  68. Aleshia
  69. Marlana
  70. Angelika
  71. Rilla
  72. Doretta
  73. Anja
  74. Dorthea
  75. Klara
  76. Hildegarde
  77. Karlyn
  78. Hedy
  79. Christiane
  80. Somer
  81. Helga
  82. Karey
  83. Ilse
  84. Gisel
  85. Porsche
  86. Heide
  87. Luetta
  88. Katharina
  89. Jule
  90. Romy
  91. Fredericka
  92. Lurline
  93. Valda
  94. Leyna
  95. Hildegard
  96. Leonie
  97. Morgen
  98. Verena
  99. Gertha
  100. Onie

We hope you have found the perfect German baby boy or girl name from our compilation of unique and trending German baby names tool.

Most Common German Surnames or Last Names with Meanings

Here is the list of cool, unique, and most common German surnames, last names or family names with meanings.

  1. Miller
  2. Baker
  3. Snyder
  4. Wagner
  5. Meyer
  6. Schmidt
  7. Peters
  8. Hoffman
  9. Weber
  10. Schultz
  11. Schneider
  12. Barrett
  13. Keller
  14. Lowe
  15. Leonard
  16. Schwartz
  17. Becker
  18. Bush
  19. Wolfe
  20. Warner
  21. Mann
  22. Zimmerman
  23. Klein
  24. Fischer
  25. Wolf
  26. Schroeder
  27. Frank
  28. Bauer
  29. Mueller
  30. Hartman
  31. Kramer
  32. Lang
  33. Shaffer
  34. Hess
  35. Roth
  36. Hoover
  37. Weiss
  38. Decker
  39. Yoder
  40. Huff
  41. Richard
  42. Huffman
  43. Cline
  44. Koch
  45. Walter
  46. Berger
  47. Stein
  48. Sellers
  49. Knapp
  50. Herman
  51. Stark
  52. Schaefer
  53. Conrad
  54. Hahn
  55. Bender
  56. Huber
  57. Moyer
  58. Frye
  59. Krueger
  60. Brandt
  61. Schmitt
  62. Haas
  63. Kaufman
  64. Krause
  65. Braun
  66. Werner
  67. Kaiser
  68. Ritter
  69. Fritz
  70. Frey
  71. Albert
  72. Lehman
  73. Lutz
  74. Kuhn
  75. Witt
  76. Wilder
  77. Lange
  78. Shoemaker
  79. Bruno
  80. Emerson
  81. Moser
  82. Vogel
  83. Richter
  84. Cramer
  85. Kessler
  86. Godfrey
  87. Fink
  88. Foreman
  89. Kern
  90. Muller
  91. Rucker
  92. Herbert
  93. Emery
  94. Ott
  95. Shafer
  96. Meier
  97. Swartz
  98. Ackerman
  99. Heller
  100. Ziegler

German Baby Names List by Letter A to Z

Find the list of German baby names beginning with A that you’re interested in and, follow the below links for further information. We’ll go through all of our favourite name directories in alphabetical order.

Check out this alphabetical list of popular German baby boy names and baby girl names and choose the perfect one for your little ones.

German Baby Names That Start with A German Baby Names That Start With N
German Baby Names That Start With B German Baby Names That Start With O
German Baby Names That Start With C German Baby Names That Start With P
German Baby Names That Start With D German Baby Names That Start With Q
German Baby Names That Start With E German Baby Names That Start With R
German Baby Names That Start With F German Baby Names That Start With S
German Baby Names That Start With G German Baby Names That Start With T
German Baby Names That Start With H German Baby Names That Start With U
German Baby Names That Start With I German Baby Names That Start With V
German Baby Names That Start With J German Baby Names That Start With W
German Baby Names That Start With K German Baby Names That Start With X
German Baby Names That Start With L German Baby Names That Start With Y
German Baby Names That Start With M German Baby Names That Start With Z

Baby Names by Country of Origin

Are you looking for baby names by Origin? find the best and most unique boy or girl names by Origin along with their meanings. Get great ideas for baby names from around the world.

List of Most Popular Names, Nicknames & Surnames

If you’re on the hunt for Nicknames, Surnames, and baby names for boys and girls. Find the latest, most popular, unique & cute nicknames and names for Baby Boys, Girls, Boyfriends, Girlfriends, Husband, and Wife from a list of 100000+ nicknames and baby names ideas at FinderWheel.com

If you have any suggestions or other nicknames you would like to call your baby boy, let us know in the comments below.