500+ Adjectives That Start with Letter D

Adjectives Starting with D

Are you looking for adjectives beginning with D? Here is a list of descriptive adjectives, positive adjectives, negative adjectives, personality adjectives, and adjectives used to describe a person.

What is called an adjective?

An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. Nouns are words that name a place, a person, a thing, or an idea. An adjective is a word that gives more information about the noun that goes with it.

List of All Adjectives That Beginning With D

List of adjectives that starting with the letter D

  1. Dabbled
  2. Dacitic
  3. Dactylic
  4. Daedal
  5. Daft
  6. Daily
  7. Dainty
  8. Daisylike
  9. Dalmatian
  10. Damaged
  11. Damaging
  12. Damascene
  13. Damask
  14. Damn
  15. Damnable
  16. Damnatory
  17. Damned
  18. Damning
  19. Damp
  20. Dampish
  21. Danceable
  22. Dandified
  23. Dandy
  24. Dandyish
  25. Dangerous
  26. Danish
  27. Dank
  28. Dantean
  29. Dantesque
  30. Dapper
  31. Dappled
  32. Daredevil
  33. Daring
  34. Dark
  35. Darkened
  36. Darkening
  37. Darkish
  38. Darkling
  39. Darling
  40. Darned
  41. Darwinian
  42. Dashed
  43. Dashing
  44. Dastard
  45. Dastardly
  46. Datable
  47. Dateable
  48. Dated
  49. Dateless
  50. Daughterly
  51. Daunted
  52. Daunting
  53. Dauntless
  54. Daylong
  55. Dazed
  56. Dazzled
  57. Dazzling
  58. Dead
  59. Deadened
  60. Deadening
  61. Deadlocked
  62. Deadly
  63. Deadpan
  64. Deaf
  65. Deafened
  66. Deafening
  67. Dear
  68. Deathless
  69. Deathlike
  70. Deathly
  71. Debased
  72. Debasing
  73. Debatable
  74. Debauched
  75. Debile
  76. Debilitated
  77. Debilitating
  78. Debilitative
  79. Debonair
  80. Debonaire
  81. Deboned
  82. Debonnaire
  83. Decadent
  84. Decalescent
  85. Decapitated
  86. Decasyllabic
  87. Decayable
  88. Decayed
  89. Deceased
  90. Deceitful
  91. Decent
  92. Decentralised
  93. Decentralising
  94. Decentralized
  95. Decentralizing
  96. Deceptive
  97. Decided
  98. Deciding
  99. Deciduous
  100. Decimal
  101. Decipherable
  102. Deciphered
  103. Decisive
  104. Deckled
  105. Declamatory
  106. Declarable
  107. Declarative
  108. Declaratory
  109. Declared
  110. Declassified
  111. Declivitous
  112. Decollete
  113. Decomposable
  114. Decompositional
  115. Decompound
  116. Deconsecrated
  117. Deconstructionist
  118. Decorated
  119. Decorative
  120. Decorous
  121. Decreased
  122. Decreasing
  123. Decreed
  124. Decrepit
  125. Decrescendo
  126. Decumbent
  127. Decurved
  128. Decussate
  129. Dedicated
  130. Dedifferentiated
  131. Deducible
  132. Deductible
  133. Deductive
  134. Deep
  135. Deepening
  136. Defamatory
  137. Defeasible
  138. Defeated
  139. Defective
  140. Defenceless
  141. Defendable
  142. Defending
  143. Defenseless
  144. Defensible
  145. Defensive
  146. Deferent
  147. Deferential
  148. Defervescent
  149. Defiant
  150. Deficient
  151. Defiled
  152. Definable
  153. Defined
  154. Definite
  155. Definitive
  156. Deflated
  157. Deflationary
  158. Deflective
  159. Defoliate
  160. Defoliated
  161. Deformational
  162. Deformed
  163. Deft
  164. Defunct
  165. Degage
  166. Degenerate
  167. Degenerative
  168. Degraded
  169. Degrading
  170. Degressive
  171. Dehiscent
  172. Dehumanised
  173. Dehumanized
  174. Dehydrated
  175. Deictic
  176. Deific
  177. Deist
  178. Deistic
  179. Dejected
  180. Delayed
  181. Delectable
  182. Deleterious
  183. Deliberate
  184. Deliberative
  185. Delible
  186. Delicate
  187. Delicious
  188. Delighted
  189. Delightful
  190. Delimited
  191. Delineate
  192. Delineated
  193. Delineative
  194. Delinquent
  195. Deliquescent
  196. Delirious
  197. Deliverable
  198. Delphian
  199. Delphic
  200. Deltoid
  201. Delusional
  202. Delusive
  203. Delusory
  204. Deluxe
  205. Demagogic
  206. Demagogical
  207. Demanding
  208. Demeaning
  209. Demented
  210. Democratic
  211. Demode
  212. Demographic
  213. Demolished
  214. Demoniac
  215. Demoniacal
  216. Demonic
  217. Demonstrable
  218. Demonstrated
  219. Demonstrative
  220. Demoralised
  221. Demoralising
  222. Demoralized
  223. Demoralizing
  224. Demosthenic
  225. Demotic
  226. Demulcent
  227. Demure
  228. Demythologised
  229. Demythologized
  230. Denary
  231. Denatured
  232. Denaturised
  233. Denaturized
  234. Dendriform
  235. Dendritic
  236. Dendroid
  237. Dendroidal
  238. Deniable
  239. Denigrating
  240. Denigrative
  241. Denigratory
  242. Denominational
  243. Denotative
  244. Denotive
  245. Dense
  246. Dental
  247. Dentate
  248. Dented
  249. Denticulate
  250. Denudate
  251. Denuded
  252. Denumerable
  253. Denunciative
  254. Denunciatory
  255. Departed
  256. Departmental
  257. Dependable
  258. Dependant
  259. Dependent
  260. Depicted
  261. Depictive
  262. Depilatory
  263. Depilous
  264. Depletable
  265. Depleted
  266. Deplorable
  267. Depopulated
  268. Depraved
  269. Deprecating
  270. Deprecative
  271. Deprecatory
  272. Depreciating
  273. Depreciative
  274. Depreciatory
  275. Depressant
  276. Depressed
  277. Depressing
  278. Deprived
  279. Deranged
  280. Derelict
  281. Derisive
  282. Derisory
  283. Derivable
  284. Derivational
  285. Derivative
  286. Derived
  287. Dermal
  288. Dermatologic
  289. Dermatological
  290. Dermic
  291. Derogative
  292. Derogatory
  293. Descendant
  294. Descendent
  295. Descending
  296. Describable
  297. Described
  298. Descriptive
  299. Desecrated
  300. Desegrated
  301. Desensitising
  302. Desensitizing
  303. Deserted
  304. Deserved
  305. Deserving
  306. Desiccate
  307. Desiccated
  308. Designate
  309. Designative
  310. Designed
  311. Designing
  312. Desirable
  313. Desired
  314. Desirous
  315. Deskbound
  316. Desolate
  317. Despairing
  318. Desperate
  319. Despicable
  320. Despised
  321. Despiteful
  322. Despoiled
  323. Despondent
  324. Despotic
  325. Despotical
  326. Destined
  327. Destitute
  328. Destroyable
  329. Destroyed
  330. Destructible
  331. Destructive
  332. Desultory
  333. Detachable
  334. Detached
  335. Detailed
  336. Detectable
  337. Detected
  338. Detergent
  339. Determinable
  340. Determinant
  341. Determinate
  342. Determinative
  343. Determined
  344. Determining
  345. Deterministic
  346. Deterrent
  347. Detersive
  348. Detestable
  349. Detested
  350. Detonative
  351. Detractive
  352. Detrimental
  353. Deuced
  354. Deuteranopic
  355. Devalued
  356. Devastating
  357. Developed
  358. Developing
  359. Developmental
  360. Deviant
  361. Deviate
  362. Devilish
  363. Devious
  364. Devoid
  365. Devoted
  366. Devotional
  367. Devouring
  368. Devout
  369. Deweyan
  370. Dewy
  371. Dexter
  372. Dexterous
  373. Dextral
  374. Dextrorotary
  375. Dextrorotatory
  376. Dextrorsal
  377. Dextrorse
  378. Dextrous
  379. Diabatic
  380. Diabetic
  381. Diabolic
  382. Diabolical
  383. Diachronic
  384. Diacritic
  385. Diacritical
  386. Diadromous
  387. Diagnosable
  388. Diagnostic
  389. Diagonal
  390. Diagonalizable
  391. Diagrammatic
  392. Diagrammatical
  393. Dialectal
  394. Dialectic
  395. Dialectical
  396. Diamagnetic
  397. Diamantine
  398. Diametral
  399. Diametric
  400. Diametrical
  401. Dianoetic
  402. Diaphanous
  403. Diaphoretic
  404. Diaphyseal
  405. Diaphysial
  406. Diarrheal
  407. Diarrheic
  408. Diarrhetic
  409. Diarrhoeal
  410. Diarrhoeic
  411. Diarrhoetic
  412. Diastolic
  413. Diatomic
  414. Diatonic
  415. Diazo
  416. Dicarboxylic
  417. Dicey
  418. Dichotomous
  419. Dichromatic
  420. Dickensian
  421. Dickey
  422. Dicky
  423. Diclinous
  424. Dicotyledonous
  425. Dictated
  426. Dictatorial
  427. Dictyopteran
  428. Didactic
  429. Didactical
  430. Diestrous
  431. Diestrual
  432. Dietary
  433. Dietetic
  434. Dietetical
  435. Different
  436. Differentiable
  437. Differential
  438. Differentiated
  439. Difficult
  440. Diffident
  441. Diffuse
  442. Diffused
  443. Diffusing
  444. Diffusive
  445. Digestible
  446. Digestive
  447. Dighted
  448. Digital
  449. Digitate
  450. Digitigrade
  451. Dignified
  452. Dignifying
  453. Digressive
  454. Dilapidated
  455. Dilatory
  456. Dilettante
  457. Dilettanteish
  458. Dilettantish
  459. Diligent
  460. Dilute
  461. Diluted
  462. Diluvial
  463. Diluvian
  464. Dim
  465. Dimensional
  466. Dimensioning
  467. Diminished
  468. Diminishing
  469. Diminuendo
  470. Diminutive
  471. Dimmed
  472. Dimorphic
  473. Dimorphous
  474. Dingy
  475. Dinky
  476. Diocesan
  477. Dioecian
  478. Dioecious
  479. Dioestrous
  480. Dioestrual
  481. Dionysian
  482. Diploid
  483. Diplomatic
  484. Diplomatical
  485. Dipolar
  486. Dipped
  487. Dipterous
  488. Dipylon
  489. Dire
  490. Direct
  491. Directed
  492. Directing
  493. Directional
  494. Directionless
  495. Directive
  496. Direful
  497. Dirigible
  498. Dirt
  499. Dirty
  500. Disabled

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List of Adjectives That Start with Letter A to Z

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