500+ Adjectives That Start with Letter T

Adjectives Starting with T

Are you looking for adjectives beginning with T? Here is a list of descriptive adjectives, positive adjectives, negative adjectives, personality adjectives, and adjectives used to describe a person.

What is called an adjective?

An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. Nouns are words that name a place, a person, a thing, or an idea. An adjective is a word that gives more information about the noun that goes with it.

List of All Adjectives That Beginning With T

List of adjectives that starting with the letter T

  1. Tabby
  2. Taboo
  3. Tabu
  4. Tabular
  5. Tacit
  6. Taciturn
  7. Tacky
  8. Tactful
  9. Tactical
  10. Tactile
  11. Tactless
  12. Tactual
  13. Tagged
  14. Tahitian
  15. Tai
  16. Tailed
  17. Tailless
  18. Taillike
  19. Tailored
  20. Tainted
  21. Taiwanese
  22. Tajikistani
  23. Taken
  24. Takeout
  25. Taking
  26. Talebearing
  27. Talented
  28. Talentless
  29. Taliped
  30. Talismanic
  31. Talkative
  32. Talky
  33. Tall
  34. Tallish
  35. Taloned
  36. Tamable
  37. Tame
  38. Tameable
  39. Tamed
  40. Tamil
  41. Tan
  42. Tangential
  43. Tangerine
  44. Tangible
  45. Tangled
  46. Tangy
  47. Tanned
  48. Tannic
  49. Tannish
  50. Tantalising
  51. Tantalizing
  52. Tantamount
  53. Tantric
  54. Tantrik
  55. Tanzanian
  56. Taoist
  57. Taped
  58. Tapered
  59. Tapering
  60. Tapestried
  61. Tapped
  62. Tardive
  63. Tardy
  64. Tarry
  65. Tarsal
  66. Tart
  67. Tartarean
  68. Tartaric
  69. Tasmanian
  70. Tasseled
  71. Tasselled
  72. Tasteful
  73. Tasteless
  74. Tasty
  75. Tatterdemalion
  76. Tattered
  77. Tattling
  78. Tatty
  79. Taunting
  80. Taupe
  81. Taurine
  82. Taut
  83. Tautologic
  84. Tautological
  85. Tawdry
  86. Tawny
  87. Taxable
  88. Taxing
  89. Taxonomic
  90. Taxonomical
  91. Taxpaying
  92. Teachable
  93. Teal
  94. Tearaway
  95. Tearful
  96. Tearing
  97. Tearless
  98. Teary
  99. Teased
  100. Teasing
  101. Technical
  102. Technological
  103. Technophilic
  104. Technophobic
  105. Techy
  106. Tectonic
  107. Tedious
  108. Teeming
  109. Teen
  110. Teenage
  111. Teenaged
  112. Teensy
  113. Teentsy
  114. Teeny
  115. Teetotal
  116. Tegular
  117. Telegnostic
  118. Telegraphic
  119. Telemetered
  120. Teleological
  121. Telepathic
  122. Telephonic
  123. Telescoped
  124. Telescopic
  125. Telling
  126. Telltale
  127. Tellurian
  128. Telluric
  129. Telocentric
  130. Temerarious
  131. Temperamental
  132. Temperate
  133. Tempered
  134. Tempering
  135. Tempestuous
  136. Temporal
  137. Temporary
  138. Temptable
  139. Tempting
  140. Ten
  141. Tenable
  142. Tenacious
  143. Tenanted
  144. Tendencious
  145. Tendentious
  146. Tender
  147. Tenderhearted
  148. Tenderised
  149. Tenderized
  150. Tending
  151. Tendinous
  152. Tenebrific
  153. Tenebrious
  154. Tenebrous
  155. Tenfold
  156. Tenor
  157. Tense
  158. Tensed
  159. Tensile
  160. Tensional
  161. Tensionless
  162. Tentacled
  163. Tentacular
  164. Tentative
  165. Tenth
  166. Tenuous
  167. Tenured
  168. Tepid
  169. Teratogenic
  170. Terefah
  171. Terete
  172. Terminable
  173. Terminal
  174. Terminated
  175. Terminative
  176. Terminological
  177. Ternary
  178. Ternate
  179. Terpsichorean
  180. Terrene
  181. Terrestrial
  182. Terrible
  183. Terrific
  184. Terrified
  185. Terrifying
  186. Territorial
  187. Terse
  188. Tertian
  189. Tertiary
  190. Tessellated
  191. Testaceous
  192. Testamentary
  193. Testate
  194. Tested
  195. Testicular
  196. Testimonial
  197. Testy
  198. Tetanic
  199. Tetchy
  200. Tethered
  201. Tetragonal
  202. Tetramerous
  203. Tetrametric
  204. Tetravalent
  205. Teutonic
  206. Texan
  207. Textbook
  208. Textile
  209. Textual
  210. Textured
  211. Thai
  212. Thalamocortical
  213. Thalassic
  214. Thalloid
  215. Thallophytic
  216. Thankful
  217. Thankless
  218. Thawed
  219. Theatrical
  220. Theban
  221. Theist
  222. Theistic
  223. Theistical
  224. Thematic
  225. Then
  226. Thenal
  227. Thenar
  228. Theocratic
  229. Theological
  230. Theoretic
  231. Theoretical
  232. Theosophical
  233. Therapeutic
  234. Therapeutical
  235. Thermal
  236. Thermic
  237. Thermionic
  238. Thermodynamic
  239. Thermodynamical
  240. Thermoelectric
  241. Thermoelectrical
  242. Thermogravimetric
  243. Thermohydrometric
  244. Thermolabile
  245. Thermometric
  246. Thermonuclear
  247. Thermoplastic
  248. Thermoset
  249. Thermosetting
  250. Thermostatic
  251. Thespian
  252. Thick
  253. Thickened
  254. Thickening
  255. Thickheaded
  256. Thickset
  257. Thickspread
  258. Thieving
  259. Thievish
  260. Thin
  261. Thinkable
  262. Thinking
  263. Thinned
  264. Third
  265. Thirdhand
  266. Thirsty
  267. Thirteen
  268. Thirteenth
  269. Thirtieth
  270. Thirty
  271. Thistlelike
  272. Thoracic
  273. Thoreauvian
  274. Thoriated
  275. Thornless
  276. Thorny
  277. Thorough
  278. Thoroughbred
  279. Thoroughgoing
  280. Thoughtful
  281. Thoughtless
  282. Thousand
  283. Thousandth
  284. Thracian
  285. Threadbare
  286. Threaded
  287. Threadlike
  288. Thready
  289. Threatened
  290. Threatening
  291. Three
  292. Threefold
  293. Threepenny
  294. Threescore
  295. Thriftless
  296. Thrifty
  297. Thrilled
  298. Thrillful
  299. Thrilling
  300. Thriving
  301. Throated
  302. Throaty
  303. Throbbing
  304. Thrombosed
  305. Thronged
  306. Through
  307. Throwaway
  308. Throwback
  309. Thrown
  310. Thudding
  311. Thumbed
  312. Thumping
  313. Thundering
  314. Thunderous
  315. Thunderstruck
  316. Thundery
  317. Thwarted
  318. Thwarting
  319. Thwartwise
  320. Thyroid
  321. Thyroidal
  322. Thyrotoxic
  323. Tibetan
  324. Tibial
  325. Tickling
  326. Ticklish
  327. Tidal
  328. Tiddly
  329. Tidy
  330. Tied
  331. Tiered
  332. Tigerish
  333. Tight
  334. Tightfisted
  335. Tightfitting
  336. Tightlipped
  337. Tiled
  338. Tillable
  339. Tilled
  340. Tilted
  341. Timbered
  342. Timed
  343. Timeless
  344. Timely
  345. Timeserving
  346. Timeworn
  347. Timid
  348. Timorese
  349. Timorous
  350. Tined
  351. Tingling
  352. Tinkling
  353. Tinkly
  354. Tinned
  355. Tinny
  356. Tinpot
  357. Tinseled
  358. Tinselly
  359. Tiny
  360. Tipped
  361. Tippy
  362. Tipsy
  363. Tiptoe
  364. Tiptop
  365. Tired
  366. Tireless
  367. Tiresome
  368. Tiring
  369. Titanic
  370. Titillated
  371. Titillating
  372. Titled
  373. Tittering
  374. Titular
  375. Titulary
  376. Toadyish
  377. Toasted
  378. Tobagonian
  379. Tod
  380. Toed
  381. Toeless
  382. Together
  383. Togged
  384. Togolese
  385. Toiling
  386. Toilsome
  387. Token
  388. Tokenish
  389. Tolerable
  390. Tolerant
  391. Tomboyish
  392. Tomentose
  393. Tomentous
  394. Tonal
  395. Toned
  396. Toneless
  397. Tongan
  398. Tongued
  399. Tongueless
  400. Tonguelike
  401. Tonic
  402. Tonsorial
  403. Tonsured
  404. Toothed
  405. Toothless
  406. Toothlike
  407. Toothsome
  408. Toothy
  409. Top
  410. Topical
  411. Topknotted
  412. Topless
  413. Topmost
  414. Topnotch
  415. Topographic
  416. Topographical
  417. Topologic
  418. Topological
  419. Topped
  420. Topping
  421. Tops
  422. Tormented
  423. Torn
  424. Toroidal
  425. Torpid
  426. Torrential
  427. Torrid
  428. Tortious
  429. Tortuous
  430. Tortured
  431. Torturesome
  432. Torturing
  433. Torturous
  434. Torulose
  435. Total
  436. Totaled
  437. Totalistic
  438. Totalitarian
  439. Totemic
  440. Totipotent
  441. Tottering
  442. Tottery
  443. Touchable
  444. Touched
  445. Touching
  446. Touchy
  447. Tough
  448. Toughened
  449. Toupeed
  450. Touristed
  451. Touristy
  452. Tousled
  453. Towering
  454. Towheaded
  455. Toxic
  456. Toxicant
  457. Toxicologic
  458. Toxicological
  459. Trabeate
  460. Trabeated
  461. Trabecular
  462. Trabeculate
  463. Traceable
  464. Tracheal
  465. Trackable
  466. Tracked
  467. Trackless
  468. Tractable
  469. Tractile
  470. Tractive
  471. Trademarked
  472. Traditional
  473. Traditionalist
  474. Traditionalistic
  475. Tragic
  476. Tragical
  477. Tragicomic
  478. Tragicomical
  479. Trained
  480. Traitorous
  481. Tralatitious
  482. Tramontane
  483. Trancelike
  484. Tranquil
  485. Tranquilising
  486. Tranquilizing
  487. Tranquillising
  488. Tranquillizing
  489. Transactinide
  490. Transalpine
  491. Transatlantic
  492. Transcendent
  493. Transcendental
  494. Transcontinental
  495. Transcribed
  496. Transcultural
  497. Transcutaneous
  498. Transdermal
  499. Transdermic
  500. Transeunt

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List of Adjectives That Start with Letter A to Z

Looking for more adjectives? Here are some more adjectives that starting with letters A to Z will help you out: