280+ Adjectives That Start with Letter V

Adjectives Starting with V

Are you looking for adjectives beginning with V? Here is a list of descriptive adjectives, positive adjectives, negative adjectives, personality adjectives, and adjectives used to describe a person.

What is called an adjective?

An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. Nouns are words that name a place, a person, a thing, or an idea. An adjective is a word that gives more information about the noun that goes with it.

List of All Adjectives That Beginning With V

List of adjectives that starting with the letter V

  1. Vatic
  2. Vaccinated
  3. Vacillant
  4. Vacillating
  5. Vacuolate
  6. Vacuolated
  7. Vacuous
  8. Vagabond
  9. Vagal
  10. Vagile
  11. Vaginal
  12. Vagrant
  13. Vague
  14. Vain
  15. Vainglorious
  16. Valedictory
  17. Valent
  18. Valetudinarian
  19. Valetudinary
  20. Valiant
  21. Valid
  22. Validated
  23. Validating
  24. Validatory
  25. Valorous
  26. Valuable
  27. Valued
  28. Valueless
  29. Valved
  30. Valvular
  31. Vaned
  32. Vanilla
  33. Vanished
  34. Vanquishable
  35. Vapid
  36. Vaporific
  37. Vaporish
  38. Vaporizable
  39. Vaporized
  40. Vaporous
  41. Vapourific
  42. Vapourisable
  43. Vapourised
  44. Vapourish
  45. Vapourous
  46. Variable
  47. Variant
  48. Varicelliform
  49. Varicolored
  50. Varicoloured
  51. Varicose
  52. Varied
  53. Variegated
  54. Variform
  55. Variolar
  56. Variolic
  57. Variolous
  58. Various
  59. Varnished
  60. Varying
  61. Vascular
  62. Vasiform
  63. Vasomotor
  64. Vast
  65. Vatic
  66. Vatical
  67. Vaulted
  68. Vaulting
  69. Vedic
  70. Vegetal
  71. Vegetational
  72. Vegetative
  73. Vegetive
  74. Vehement
  75. Vehicular
  76. Veiled
  77. Veinal
  78. Veined
  79. Veinlike
  80. Velar
  81. Velvet
  82. Velvety
  83. Venal
  84. Vendable
  85. Vendible
  86. Venerable
  87. Venerating
  88. Venereal
  89. Venetian
  90. Venezuelan
  91. Vengeful
  92. Venial
  93. Venomed
  94. Venomous
  95. Venose
  96. Venous
  97. Vented
  98. Ventilated
  99. Ventilatory
  100. Ventral
  101. Ventricose
  102. Ventricous
  103. Ventricular
  104. Venturesome
  105. Venturous
  106. Veracious
  107. Verbal
  108. Verbalised
  109. Verbalized
  110. Verbatim
  111. Verbose
  112. Verboten
  113. Verdant
  114. Veridical
  115. Verifiable
  116. Verificatory
  117. Verified
  118. Verifying
  119. Verisimilar
  120. Veritable
  121. Vermicular
  122. Vermiculate
  123. Vermiculated
  124. Vermiform
  125. Vermilion
  126. Vermillion
  127. Verminous
  128. Vernacular
  129. Vernal
  130. Verrucose
  131. Versatile
  132. Versed
  133. Vertebral
  134. Vertebrate
  135. Vertical
  136. Verticillate
  137. Verticillated
  138. Vertiginous
  139. Very
  140. Vesical
  141. Vesicant
  142. Vesicatory
  143. Vesicular
  144. Vestal
  145. Vested
  146. Vestiary
  147. Vestibular
  148. Vestigial
  149. Vestmental
  150. Vestmented
  151. Veteran
  152. Veterinary
  153. Vexatious
  154. Vexed
  155. Vexing
  156. Vi
  157. Viable
  158. Viatical
  159. Vibrant
  160. Vibrational
  161. Vibratory
  162. Vibrionic
  163. Vicarial
  164. Vicarious
  165. Vicenary
  166. Vicennial
  167. Viceregal
  168. Vicinal
  169. Vicious
  170. Victimised
  171. Victimized
  172. Victorian
  173. Victorious
  174. Viennese
  175. Vietnamese
  176. Viewable
  177. Viewless
  178. Vigesimal
  179. Vigilant
  180. Vigorous
  181. Vile
  182. Villainous
  183. Vinaceous
  184. Vincible
  185. Vindicated
  186. Vindicatory
  187. Vindictive
  188. Vinegarish
  189. Vinegary
  190. Vinous
  191. Violable
  192. Violated
  193. Violative
  194. Violent
  195. Violet
  196. Viral
  197. Virgin
  198. Virginal
  199. Viricidal
  200. Virile
  201. Virological
  202. Virtual
  203. Virtuoso
  204. Virtuous
  205. Virucidal
  206. Virulent
  207. Visaged
  208. Visceral
  209. Viscid
  210. Viscoelastic
  211. Viscometric
  212. Viscosimetric
  213. Viscous
  214. Viselike
  215. Visible
  216. Visionary
  217. Visored
  218. Visual
  219. Visualised
  220. Visualized
  221. Vital
  222. Vitalizing
  223. Vitiated
  224. Vitiliginous
  225. Vitreous
  226. Vitrified
  227. Vitriolic
  228. Vituperative
  229. Vivace
  230. Vivacious
  231. Vivid
  232. Viviparous
  233. Vixenish
  234. Vocal
  235. Vocalic
  236. Vocational
  237. Vocative
  238. Vociferous
  239. Voguish
  240. Voiced
  241. Voiceless
  242. Void
  243. Voidable
  244. Volant
  245. Volar
  246. Volatile
  247. Volatilisable
  248. Volatilised
  249. Volatilizable
  250. Volatilized
  251. Volcanic
  252. Volitional
  253. Voltaic
  254. Voltarean
  255. Voltarian
  256. Voluble
  257. Volumed
  258. Volumetric
  259. Volumetrical
  260. Voluminous
  261. Voluntary
  262. Volunteer
  263. Voluptuary
  264. Voluptuous
  265. Volute
  266. Voluted
  267. Voracious
  268. Voteless
  269. Votive
  270. Vowellike
  271. Voyeuristic
  272. Voyeuristical
  273. Vulcanised
  274. Vulcanized
  275. Vulgar
  276. Vulnerable
  277. Vulpecular
  278. Vulpine
  279. Vulturine
  280. Vulturous
  281. Vulval
  282. Vulvar

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List of Adjectives That Start with Letter A to Z

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