200 Nouns That Start With J

Nouns That Start With J

Last Updated on April 24, 2023 by Team FinderWheel

Are you looking For nouns that start with J? Here is the list of common nouns that start with the letter a to describe a person, animal, Food, object, place, or plant.

What is a noun?

A noun is a type oF word used to identify a person, place, thing, or idea. It can function as the subject or object in a sentence and can be modified by adjectives. In English grammar, nouns can be singular or plural and can be further classified as common or proper, concrete or abstract, and countable or uncountable.

Nouns That Start with J in English

The English language is rich with words that start with the letter “J.” From everyday objects to abstract concepts, nouns that begin with J are used in various contexts, making them an essential part oF our vocabulary.

In this article, we will explore some of the most common and exciting nouns that start with J in English. We will provide a detailed description oF each noun, along with examples oF how they can be used in a sentence.

Here are 100 nouns starting with “j,” along with brief descriptions:

  1. Jackal
  2. Jacket
  3. Jade
  4. Jag
  5. Jaguar
  6. Jail
  7. Jam
  8. Jamb
  9. Janitor
  10. Japan
  11. Jar
  12. Jargon
  13. Jasmine
  14. Java
  15. Jaw
  16. Jazz
  17. Jeep
  18. Jello
  19. Jelly
  20. Jellyfish
  21. Jerk
  22. Jet
  23. Jewel
  24. Jeweler
  25. Jewelry
  26. Jig
  27. Jigsaw
  28. Jill
  29. Jingle
  30. Job
  31. Jockey
  32. Jog
  33. Joint
  34. Joker
  35. Jolt
  36. Journal
  37. Journey
  38. Joy
  39. Judge
  40. Judgment
  41. Juice
  42. Jumble
  43. Junction
  44. Jungle
  45. Junior
  46. Junk
  47. Jurisdiction
  48. Jury
  49. Justification
  50. Justice
  51. Juxtaposition
  52. Jackfruit
  53. Jackhammer
  54. Jarl
  55. Jambalaya
  56. Jerboa
  57. Jester
  58. Jetski
  59. Javelin
  60. Jib
  61. Jiggle
  62. Jitterbug
  63. Jobber
  64. Jobbery
  65. Joblessness
  66. Jogger
  67. Jointure
  68. Jonquil
  69. Jotter
  70. Journeyman
  71. Joyfulness
  72. Joyousness
  73. Juddering
  74. Jugful
  75. Juggler
  76. Jugular
  77. Jumble sale
  78. Jump
  79. Jumping bean
  80. Junction box
  81. Jungle gym
  82. Juniper
  83. Junk food
  84. Junk mail
  85. Junkyard
  86. Justice of the peace
  87. Justness
  88. Juvenile
  89. Juxtaposition
  90. Jab
  91. Jabberwocky
  92. Jacaranda
  93. Jack-o’-lantern
  94. Jacobin
  95. Jacquard
  96. Jadeite
  97. Jamboree
  98. Japanese yen
  99. Jargonist
  100. Javelina

Proper Noun That Starts with J

  1. Jack
  2. Jackson
  3. Jake
  4. James
  5. Jamie
  6. Jane
  7. Janet
  8. Jasmine
  9. Jason
  10. Jasper
  11. Javier
  12. Jay
  13. Jean
  14. Jefferson
  15. Jennifer
  16. Jeremy
  17. Jerry
  18. Jesse
  19. Jessica
  20. Jesus
  21. Jill
  22. Jim
  23. Jimmy
  24. Joanne
  25. Joe

Collective Noun That Starts with J

  1. Jury
  2. Junta
  3. Joule
  4. Jamboree
  5. Judgment
  6. Joyfulness
  7. Jangle
  8. Journey
  9. Jetstream
  10. Jinx
  11. Jaunt
  12. Judder
  13. Jerk
  14. Jiggle
  15. Juggernaut
  16. Jump
  17. Junket
  18. Jumble
  19. Jaguarundi
  20. Jib
  21. Jive
  22. Joust
  23. Jockeying
  24. Joining
  25. Jargon

Common Noun That Starts with J

  1. Jacket
  2. Jail
  3. Jam
  4. Jar
  5. Jeep
  6. Jelly
  7. Jewel
  8. Jogger
  9. Joint
  10. Journal
  11. Journey
  12. Joy
  13. Judge
  14. Juice
  15. Jumper
  16. Jungle
  17. Junk
  18. Jury
  19. Justification
  20. Junction
  21. Jigsaw
  22. Job
  23. Jolt
  24. Jet
  25. Jingle

Material Noun That Starts with J

  1. Jade
  2. Jute
  3. Jasper
  4. Jet
  5. Jell-O
  6. Jelly
  7. Jersey
  8. Jaggery
  9. Japanese paper (washi)
  10. Jacquard
  11. Juniper
  12. Japonica rice
  13. Jujube
  14. Javelin
  15. Jerusalem stone
  16. Jigger
  17. Jojoba oil
  18. Jute rope
  19. Jalousie glass
  20. Jumper cables
  21. Jiffy bag
  22. Jaws of life
  23. Jib sail
  24. Jeweler’s rouge
  25. Jib crane

Abstract Noun That Starts with J

  1. Joy
  2. Justice
  3. Judgment
  4. Jollity
  5. Jealousy
  6. Juxtaposition
  7. Jitteriness
  8. Jocularity
  9. Jargon
  10. Journey
  11. Judiciousness
  12. Jingoism
  13. Jocundity
  14. Justification
  15. Jinx
  16. Joviality
  17. Jollification
  18. Jeopardy
  19. Jactitation
  20. Jumble
  21. Joust
  22. Judgementalism
  23. Jadedness
  24. Jolliness
  25. Jactancy

Countable Noun That Starts with J

  1. Jacket
  2. Jeep
  3. Journal
  4. Joke
  5. Jumper
  6. Job
  7. Jewel
  8. Jigsaw puzzle
  9. Jamb
  10. Jockey
  11. Juice box
  12. Javelin
  13. Joint
  14. Jetpack
  15. Jar
  16. Jester
  17. Jet ski
  18. Jukebox
  19. Jingle bell
  20. Journalist
  21. Journey
  22. Jalousie
  23. Jibe
  24. Jotter
  25. Judge

Uncountable Noun That Starts with J

  1. Jazz
  2. Justice
  3. Jargon
  4. Joy
  5. Junk
  6. Jealousy
  7. Jute
  8. Jam
  9. Jell-O
  10. Journalism
  11. Jockeying
  12. Jaggery
  13. Jerky
  14. Judo
  15. Jumper cables
  16. Jeremiad
  17. Juke
  18. Juiciness
  19. Judiciousness
  20. Jiggery-pokery
  21. Jumpiness
  22. Jeopardy
  23. Jumbled mess
  24. Jowar
  25. Joint custody

Concrete Noun That Starts with J

  1. Iceberg
  2. Igloo
  3. Iron
  4. Ink
  5. Island
  6. Igneous rock
  7. Incense
  8. Icicle
  9. Insect
  10. Imitation jewelry
  11. Ingot
  12. Ivy
  13. Ivy league university
  14. Ice cream
  15. iPod
  16. Instrument
  17. Iron ore
  18. Ironing board
  19. Iron skillet
  20. Ice cube
  21. Inhaler
  22. Injection
  23. Inner tube
  24. Incubator
  25. Irrigation system


Nouns that start with J are an essential part of the English language. They are used in various contexts, From everyday conversation to literature and scientific research.

This article has explored two hundred common and interesting nouns that start with J, providing a detailed description oF each one along with examples oF how they can be used in a sentence. By expanding your vocabulary with these words, you can become a more effective communicator and gain a better understanding of the world around you.

We hope you have found the popular Nouns From our collection oF word Finder directories.

List oF Nouns That Start With Letters A to Z

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